The TIMEPROJECT has been performed at the
Festival in Terschelling, NL
from june 13th 2008, 23:00-24:00 (world premiere) to june 14th 2008,
and on the 6th and 7th of august at La
Strada in Graz, Austria
further information
wikipedia (german)
A Kleine Zeitung 08 aug (txt)
A Der Standard 08 aug (txt)
A Die Presse 08 aug (txt)
A Falter 08 aug (jpg)
A BIG 08 jul (pdf)
A BrabantsDagblad 08 jun (txt)
NL OerolTijd Tweegesprek (jpg)
NL Leeuwarder Courant 08 jun (jpg)
A Kleine Zeitung 08 apr (pdf)
A Kleine Zeitung 08 apr (pdf)
A PresseSchaufenster 08 apr (jpg)
NL Oerolkrant 08 feb (pdf)